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How to Get the Blue Feathe in Farming Vally Minecraft

Welcome to IGN's Walkthrough and Guide for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. This area-based Walkthrough will cover all enemy encounters, items to pick up, secrets to find and more as you complete your journey as the shinobi known as The Wolf.

This guide contains information on the Ashina Depths, one of the larger hidden regions that you can explore underneath the land, though is best explored after defeating the boss of Ashina Castle, Sunken Valley, and Senpou Temple. It includes poisonous caves and mist-filled forest that hide a mysterious town locked away from the world.


How to Access Ashina Depths - Via Bodhisattva Valley

Jump to a Section:
The Other Great Serpent Poison Pool
Mini-Boss Battle - Snake Eyes
Boss Battle 1
Hidden Forest
Mini-Boss - Tokujiro the Glutton Mini-Boss - Mist Noble
Mibu Village Water Mill
Mini-Boss - O'Rin of the Water
Boss Battle 2
Ashina Depths Cleanup - The Red-Eyed Carp
Mini-Boss Shichimen Warrior
Mini-Boss - Headless

Note that you can also access Ashina Depths via the large hole in the earth found in the Abandoned Dungeon near the Schichiman Warrior and Bottomless Hole Sculptor's Idol.

Video Guide: Entering Ashina Depths

Back at the entrance to the Guardian Ape's Watering Hole, you'll now find the Old Hag nearby looking into the poisoned valley. She's talking about another fruit of the serpent this time - the dried one, and points down the valley. Since we already have one "fruit" it makes sense to go find it.

Note that if you return to the Divine Child and ask for more Rice to give to the Old Hag, and she'll impart another clue: become a trainer of monkeys - make him dance, and he'll be eaten. That sounds… helpful.

Now to enter the poison valley below. Look at the lowest platform below the Sculptor's Idol for a branch to grapple to that will propel you further down to more branches to soften the fall down, until you can land on a patch of stable ground. On one side, there's a pit of poison with an item in it - be sure to run and jump through quickly so as not to let the poison build up to much - and grab the Yellow Gunpowder before moving to the far side of the ravine to a dead end with a Heavy Coin Purse.


As you continue along the narrow valley, you can find some more tree branches to help send you over the poison - but you'll likely land in front of a new enemy - a Monkey Sword Master.

This is no ordinary Monkey - he fights like a true warrior with dual wakizashi swords, and will come at you with sweeping strikes from the right or left, or even slamming strikes from above, and can mix them up with a low sweep that you'll need to jump over. If you see him dart backwards, get ready for him to come charging up quickly for a five-hit combo and do your best to deflect his attacks. Remember, he's still a Monkey, and all beasts fear the Firecrackers.

Take this fight patiently to wait for times to deflect or hit him after his sweeps or while he jumps, and he'll drop Yellow Gunpowder when he falls. Near the fight, you should find some Ungo's Sugar, and a path diverges off to the right where you can find the Toxic Memorial Mob. This merchant sells some good items to pick up, including 2 Dragon's Blood Droplets, a Green Mossy Gourd to protect poison buildup, and unlimited amounts of Antidote Powder.

Before heading into the cave, explore the rest of the poison pits to find a statue you can climb up to the valley above, while the center of the pit holds another Monkey Sword Master flanked by four more Monkeys - one with a rifle, and the rest deal toxic damage with their claws. One more Monkey his hiding on the cliffs to the left and will try and snipe you - so quickly toss some shurikens his way before focusing on the main swordsman.

Killing him will reward you with another Yellow Gunpowder, and you can check the island for Scrap Magnetite, as well as a Light Coin Purse and Fulminated Mercury in the pits on the right, and a Mibu Balloon of Soul on the ridge to the left.

The Other Great Serpent


Now it's time to enter the cave past the Toxic Memorial Mob, and grab a Snap Seed on the way in. The first thing you'll notice is that it's very dark down here among the sulphur vents, and there's many pitfalls to watch out for.

Stick the lower levels and look for an Antidote Powder to grab - only to be ambushed as a ghostly spear-wielding enemy emerges from the very rock wall to stab at you! Luckily you can Mikiri Counter this, and press the attack and deflect his spear swings to defeat it. Just be sure to watch out for its follow up grab that's hard to see coming in the dark.

Past this entity, you'll find a lower platform full of Crawling Geckos - so have your shurikens ready unless you want to be poisoned from multiple angles. This becomes even more necessary as you move deeper into the cave - as the familiar giant white body of the serpent can be seen shifting back and forth.

While it's true that the serpent can't see or get to you this far back along its twisting body - if you hit the body - accidentally or on purpose, it will start slamming its body around to try and crush you, and will also cause Crawling Geckos to drop from the ceiling, and all the nearby fissures to erupt in poisonous fog.

With that in mind, try to stick to well-aimed shurikens whenever possible. When you are able to go left or right around part of the snake's body, watch out for another wall apparition along the right walls, and more Crawling Geckos along the left path.

When you reach a low tunnel with a Fistful of Ash, you may want to jump up to the ledges above first, as there are many more Crawling Geckos waiting on either side of the Serpent's body, and you'll want to shuriken a few before moving in, as more wall-apparitions are waiting on both sides of this cavern.

On the right side, note the grapple point you can get up to and find a Pellet, Fistful of Ash, and Scrap Magnetite - just be ready for surprise attacks. You can also find another Scrap Magnetite high up on the left ledges - and then hug the left wall to move forward, as the low thin path is guarded by another apparition.


As soon as you drop down, you'll spot the head of the Great Serpent in front of you - it looks like there were two of them this whole time. It won't move from its resting place in front of an old shrine - you're going to need a diversion.

Think back to the Old Crone's words: become a trainer of monkeys. If you look along the far left ledge, there's a small near-hidden path in the dark leading to a lone Monkey, and you now have the Puppeteer Ninjutsu from defeating the Folding Screen Monkeys. Climb up on the ledge behind the cowering Monkey and use the nearby Spirit Emblems to perform the Puppeteer Ninjutsu on the Monkey, then remain where you are.

After a moment, the Monkey will jump away and climb onto a ledge on the left side, and start getting the serpent's attention - as it goes to strike, look for a grapple point along the path the serpent was guarding and quickly move up and then race into the shrine before he's done.

At the far back you'll find your prize - the Dried Serpent Viscera, even if we don't know what it's for quite yet.

Poison Pool

Be sure to turn back around and grab the Mibu Balloon of Soul nearby. Unfortunately, the serpent has now moved to block the exit with his body - you'll need to find another way out. Look around the ceiling outside the main shrine building, and you can find a ledge on the rocks to grapple up to, as well as a Divine Confetti on a lower platform. Keep grappling upwards to reach the Ashina Depths, and below you'll find the Poison Pool Sculptor's Idol.


Note that this place is full of giant statues to grapple along, but also the aforementioned poison pits, and the place is guarded by many Sunken Valley Cannoneers - so be sure to remain stealthy here.

Up above on the right by the Sculptor's Idol, look for a ledge above the nearby statue to get up behind the first Sunken Valley Cannoneer and take him out quietly, and grab the Oil next to him. Return back to the Sculptor's Idol and look for a nearby island among the poison for a Pellet, and grapple past it to the ruins of a few shacks. Here you'll find Scrap Magnetite, and Black Gunpowder. You can even spot some more items on the nearby statue's head but we can't reach it yet.

Mini-Boss - Snake Eyes Shirahagi

More importantly, just past this area, you'll spot another Sunken Valley Cannoneer patrolling an island, with one more watching him from some wooden platforms along the back wall - and to the left guarding the exit is s Mini-Boss - Snake Eyes Shirahagi.

There are a couple of ways to approach this fight. From your current position, you can actually sneak along the left wall behind the Snake Eyes - so long as the patrolling cannoneer doesn't see you - and get a free backstab on the miniboss. Unfortunately this alerts the others, so you'll have mortar fire to deal with in addition to this tough fight. It's possible to tag her and run away from the others to fight where they can't see you, but it's risky.

Another method involves taking out the lesser folk from a different vantage point that involves a different point of entry. Recall the Bottomless Pit in the Abandoned Dungeon - where the Old Hag said you to "cast yourself in".

You can actually do that, and fall down the pit for awhile before seeing grapple point to climb up and find a Mibu Balloon of Soul, and head left along a ledge to find a cave with a Fistful of Ash and Rotting Prisoner, and then locate a pit down to find a Pacifying Agent and the Ashina Depths Sculptor's Idol.


This leads out to the back of the Poison Pits, allowing you to carefully drop down and take out the Sunken Valley Cannoneer on the wooden platforms, and then grapple using the trees to take out the second Cannoneer to leave only the Snake Eyes left.

As before, make sure to utilize the Loaded Umbrella until you can close the gap - and try not to fight around the poison as she'll often retreat into it making it hard to chase her down. When you get close, stick with the attack-deflect-attack chain and jump over her grabs to wear down her posture for an easier kill, and she'll drop a Prayer Bead when she does down.

After the battle is over and the area is clear, be sure to check the main island for Scrap Magnetite and a Mibu Possession Balloon, and check the cliffs past the wooden platforms and a statue head to find Yellow Gunpowder, and below the first Cannoneer to grab a Heavy Coin Purse. There's also Scrap Magnetite in the hand of the statue by the wooden platforms - but as for the tallest statue, there's a different way to reach it.

Head into the cave that the Snake Eyes chieftain was guarding. If you drop down, you'll find a wounded Sunken Valley man who was mauled by familiar-sounding enemy down the path. However, look up instead to grapple up to the left and enter a crawlspace. When the path opens up, stand up, and grapple upwards, and then find a shaft you can wall jump up to find the exit back into the Poison Pit behind the statue, where you can find Yellow Gunpowder and a Prayer Bead atop the statue's head.

If you return to crawling through the rest of the passage, you'll come to an area above the same cavern you'd be entering from the lower route. Here you'll find a solitary Monkey sitting over the bones of a giant ape, which you can loot for Monkey Booze. As for what's down below…. You should recognize this familiar acquaintance.

Boss Battle - Headless Ape


Video Guide: Headless Ape Boss Battle

Yup, it's him again, and boy is he happy to see you, when he holds his head up to look at you that is.

The good news is you already know this fight by now - and you're probably much stronger by now: You've got more attack power and the Mortal Blade! You're going to want to repeat the familiar beats of parrying his side thrusts, jumping over his staggering sweep attacks, and running when he pulls his head up. Be sure to also look for the large slamming attacks when he holds his sword straight up - deflecting those will stagger him to the ground and give you many free hits before he gets up to scream.

Be sure to stock Pacifying Agents just in case, and take this fight carefully - you may know it well, but there's no need to get greedy. If he tries to do a running slide, sprint around behind him or jump on him to slash at his legs, and keep the damage up - you can chip away at his vitality without worrying about him blocking, and eventually his health and posture will break away.

Phase Two

Enraged by his defeat, the Headless Ape will run to the far corner of the room and let out a loud bellow - calling to... something. Another Giant Ape.


It's OK. Go ahead and scream if you need to (or laugh at your current insane predicament if that's your prerogative). We'll give you a moment.

You good to go now? OK, don't worry - this phase isn't as bad as it seems. For starters, the Guardian Ape's child is a lot less durable, even compared to the fight in the Sunken Valley. It won't take a lot to get Player 2 out of the game - but you will need to be careful.

This phase will be all about spacing, and getting your hits in where you can. You need to focus entirely on getting the new addition out of the equation before going back to focus on the Headless Ape - but that doesn't mean you can ignore his attacks. You're going to want to start sprinting around the arena to try and get them apart - or at least get the Headless Ape into one of his slower attacks that you can run around to focus on his offspring.

The good news is that the Headless Ape's only perilous attacks are the staggering sweep, and the jump into a sweep - so if you see the symbol when fighting the lesser ape, just be ready to jump. You can also still use the Shinobi Firecrackers against the Headless Ape's child to great effect - but since it doesn't work on the headless wonder, don't expect him to give you a free pass. Use it when he's otherwise occupied swinging away far from you - and then start wailing on the lesser ape.

You can also use the Flame Vent to deal a good amount of damage, and let the burns soak in as you run away from incoming attacks from the Headless Ape. As for the lesser Ape's attacks - it only uses a few of his attacks from the Sunken Valley fight - namely the jumping grab, and uppercut attacks that send her sprawling, as well as wild slashes - so take care when engaging.

They may also do a giant leaping strike that's best to get out of the way of - and if you're lucky, she'll do this while the Headless Ape does his long scream - giving you plenty of time to attack the lesser ape while he's busy.

Once the child is dead, it'll stay gone, and you can go back to slowly whittling down the Headless Ape's health and posture - just play it patient. Defeating the pair will earn you the Memory: Headless Ape, as well as not one but TWO Prayer Beads!


You may notice that the body won't disappear this time, as the centipede controlling the body you stabbed still wriggles around. Take the time to finish it once and for all with your Mortal Blade to earn the achievement and make sure the beast does not rise again. Doing with will also earn you the Bestowal Ninjutsu - allowing you to backstab an enemy and imbue your katana with extended reach and power.

Hidden Forest

Video Guide: Hidden Forest

With this boss dealt with, it's time to forge on ahead. Grapple up past the stream coming down to find a way out of the cave and into the misty woods. You'll be immediately set upon by two Nightjar Ninja - but these are phantoms! Still, they'll be just as annoying to deal with, but they do give great experience, so be sure to swat them out of the sky with shurikens and rapidly deflect their spinning attacks to break their posture. Note that as apparitions, they are a bit more susceptible to Divine Confetti - but they aren't exactly immune to your katana either, so only use it if you really needed a bit of extra damage.

After they've been defeated, you can look to the left to find Jinzaemon sitting on a rock (if you didn't send him off to the dungeons that is). He's still tracking the ghostly music that apparently belongs to a woman he caught a glimpse of before she disappeared into the fog - and he thinks she may be in a hidden village up ahead.

Look for a ledge off to the right to grapple down to the Hidden Forest Sculptor's Idol, and check out the mist-filled scene before you. There are several large trees with gnarled branches above a misty ravine, with a few spots of light from glowing butterflies to lead the way across the treetops.

Along these branches, you'll also find a few Giant Chickens to block your progress - and they hit for a lot more than they did back at the Ashina Outskirts. Luckily, you can still block their fluttering attack that sends them staggering back in the air - and you can either use the Anti-air Deathblow bought from Blackhat Badger to finish them off, or toss a shuriken to ground them.


After killing the first Giant Chicken, grab a Mibu Balloon of Soul before crossing the next tree where another chicken waits. There's a Ceramic Shard on the branch below - and should you fall into the mist-filled ravine, you'll need to be cautious of enemies lying in wait.

The mist is filled with the illusions of many types of Hirata Bandits that can appear without warning - as they appear in a duller grey compared to the ghostly Nightjar Ninja you saw earlier, and Divine Confetti deals no extra damage. In fact, they look much like the illusions that Lady Butterfly used. Knowing this, you can use Snap Seeds to dispel them instantly - which can be extremely useful if you get surrounded quickly by these phantom attackers.

If you do drop down, be sure to look for Scrap Magnetite by a grave marker guarded by a few Illusion Bandits that will appear without warning - and further past the second tree are three items guarded by patrolling Bandits: a Pellet, Mibu Balloon of Wealth, and Scrap Iron.

Note that there a few bandits you can see clearly from a distance and are sometimes sitting around - curiously these ones will not try to attack: It's the ones that appear without warning you need to watch out for. Do not go past the third big tree however - another Headless Mini-Boss waits for you in the misty clearing, and you may not have some very useful tools needed to deal with this foe just yet, but we'll be back soon.

Grapple up onto the plateau above the third tree to find a man sitting in front of a large golden Buddha. The man will ask if you would kill one who opposes Buddha - something that hides in an abandoned temple and has shrouded this land in fog. If you want to find your way to the hidden villager, you'll need to find a way to stop this enemy. He'll also mention that though the door is closed, you can find a way in through the rooftop.

Be sure to jump up behind where the man sits to a higher platform, where you can find a Pellet behind the top of the statue. Near the back of a tree is another Giant Chicken - and if you look up to the right you can grapple up through the branches to reach a high perch on the other side where a Light Coin Purse sits near another chicken behind a small tree.

Head back past the man by the bonfire to cross the last tree branch, and kill the two Giant Chickens in your way to reach another small valley - here, nowhere is safe from the illusions. Sticking to the higher path on the right, you can find another Illusion Bandit, and past him is a Bite Down item.


Up ahead, you can spot the misty outline of a building, and three Bandits below - but they're just sitting about and won't actually attack unless provoked. Sure enough, there doesn't seem to be any entrance to the building where creepy music is coming from.

For now, turn around and head straight back towards where you came from, and you can spot a higher ledge with a tree and some Adamantite Scrap hiding behind it. Keep heading along the ledges while keeping the high walls to your left until you must drop down, where you'll find Yellow Gunpowder - but several Illusion Attack Dogs will come charging out of the mist flanked by few Bandits. Utilize Firecrackers or Snap Seeds to send them off, then search this part of the valley for three items by some trees: Bite Down, Contact Medicine, and a Light Coin Purse.

At this point, a few Bandit Archers will materialize on the platforms behind you to try sniping you - quickly run back through the ravine to find a way up to silence them. Continuing through the lowest valley, you'll reach a switchback along the left wall where you can grapple up to a branch - remember its location.

You can also find a path to jump back up where the lone temple is, and find some patrolling docile Bandits and Oil by a stone lantern. Heading around the left side of the building are more lounging Bandits by some more Oil. They might not attack, but a hidden Bandit will, causing them all to join in - so use a Snap Seed to stop them.

At the back of the temple you can find a cliff wall with two stone torches and some Spirit Emblems, and in the far corner, a Bandit watches over a Ceramic Shard - and you'll be ambushed if you try to pick it up.

Since there's no way up to the roof of the temple around here, head back along the cliff walls until you run up a path to find a tree branch to grapple to. From here you can go right, or find a wall to sidle along to the left and grab a Snap Seed and a path back to the first area.


Mini-Boss - Tokujiro the Glutton

Reaching the ledge past the tree branch, you'll find another Sumo Wrestler mini-boss drinking alongside several Monkeys. The Monkeys will spot you first, alerting a Monkey with a rifle on the ledge above - so quickly throw a shuriken his way to silence him, then engage the Monkeys with swords that jump over to the ledge you're on.

Once you clear out the Monkeys, you can either run away until Tokujiro forgets about you and go in for a Stealth Deathblow, or engage him directly. Tokujiro fights just as you remember Juzou did at the Hirata Estate - but now you'll have a lot more health, Healing Gourd charges, and damage output.

This doesn't mean he'll be too easy - and he still hits hard, but you should now be able to go toe to toe with him, dodge around his poison spray and hit him from behind, and deflect his large sweeping attacks (and use Gokan's Sugar to mitigate posture damage - or use Ichimonji after his big attacks to regain posture).

You can also use the Monkeys here as sacrifices for the sake of power - and use the Bestowal Ninjutsu to give your blade a longer reach than his! You can also make use of items like the Raven Feather to get behind him quickly, or the Spring-Load Flame Vent to hit him with a giant fire burst while he guzzles his drink.

Once he goes down, he'll drop Unrefined Sake to share with whoever you didn't give it to last time, as well as a Prayer Bead. Be sure to check around the area he was sitting for a Fistful of Ash, and then look below the broken shack for a small ledge you can grab and sidle along to reach a Pellet.


From this location - or from the higher ledge that the Rifle Monkey was on, look for a tree branch off to the side to grapple to, and then head up to the path back to the mist-filled valley. Here you'll find a Lump of Fat Wax, and you'll end up just above the temple, and you can use the tree branches to the left to find a safe path to the roof.

Mini-Boss - Mist Noble

Drop down to the lower roof and look around the front for a patch of glowing butterflies to find a broken wall to enter the temple. Carefully crawl along the beams to see a very odd-looking creature playing a flute by a bonfire. This is the entity that's been bewitching the entire area - so drop down and say hello with a Plunging Deathblow.

In truth, this fight should be over in seconds - the Mist Noble has very little health or posture to speak of - and as long as you press the attack after the first Deathblow, he won't have time to do much of anything before you finish the job.

If for some reason you fumble your attempt - don't worry, he has absolutely no way of doing any meaningful damage. All he can do is throw some pitiful swings with his scrawny arms, or take forever to lightly stab you with his flute - and that's it.

Execute the creature with lethal force, and a giant gust of mist will dispel the illusions created by the Mist Noble, leaving the true nature of these woods in its place - and you'll also get a Lump of Grave Wax.

Exiting the ruins of the temple, you'll find some Yashariku's Sugar by the broken walls - and what was once a giant cliff face by the two stone torches is now a path onwards! If you check around the front of the temple, you'll find a pit of stashed debris with a Heavy Coin Purse inside.


This also means you can now backtrack to claim any items you missed without fear of being attacked by illusions - only the Giant Chickens, Headless, and Tokujiro and his Monkeys remain if you didn't kill him already.

Mibu Village

Video Guide: Mibu Village

With the newly opened path, you'll pass through a graveyard and out onto a ledge with a Pellet. Down below is another platform, and as you look out, two more Nightjar Ninja phantoms will appear on a nearby large tree.

They'll continually harass you with shurikens - so you'll either want to grapple over quickly and use aerial blocks - or you can use the Loaded Umbrella and Projected Force skill to send attacks back at them to stun them before following up to get close and finish them off.


From the base of the tree, look across the small ravine for a tree branch to grapple to, and then drop down to find the Mibu Village Sculptor's Idol.

Across the small stream from the idol you can find the Exiled Memorial Mob in his tent, selling such nifty items as a Mottled Purple Gourd that can be recharged to lower your terror buildup, as well as plenty of coin purses, Dragonspring Sake to share, and two Treasure Carp Scale - among other items.

Past him, you can jump up to a ledge under the tree you used to get down here, and take a path several Attack Dogs are guarding until you reach a dead end with a Light Coin Purse. You may have also noticed a figure standing in the stream at the end of the tiny canyon below the Attack Dogs.

This Ninja is of a different breed - a Vileblade Ninja, and in addition to all the attacks you just love to hate - he can also perform 1-3 poison strikes using thrusting punch attacks followed by a chargeup downward slash. Blocking these will just raise your toxic levels, so you may want to try sidestepping the last hit to get around behind him and attack.

Since you've gained in power since last fighting these types of ninjas - don't be afraid to aggressively deflect their chain combo attacks and martial arts kicks - and look for their long kick string that ends with either a leg sweep or thrust to dodge and counter and break their posture meter quickly. As long as you get out of the way of the poison fist attacks, you should be able to take him out and get a Scrap Magnetite he was carrying plus a Treasure Carp Scale at the end of the stream.

Note that he also gives more than 700 experience per kill - and if you're careful you can hug the left wall of the ravine to backstab him if you have some stealth-improving skills, making him a great farming opportunity to get yourself some more skill points.

Now it's time to check out this village everyone keeps talking about. Up ahead along the stream you can see several Mibu Villagers at work - and they are not happy to see you. Still, they aren't exactly combat warriors, and will come at you with rocks, pitchforks, or just shoves - which can easily be deflected for one hit kills.


That's the easy part. Things will start to get tougher when you notice that they also come up from the ground 2-3 more times after being killed - and the more enemies around, the more they'll appear like and endless swarm. They are also at their most diabolical when in large groups - as its easy to get overwhelmed on all sides - so be wary of your spacing and watch for reinforcements coming out of the ground.

Be sure to check the huts on the ledge above the stream to find a Lump of Fat Wax behind the second house. As you move up and cross the small bridge - you'll run into a small group of Mibu Villagers in a sort of procession. There's more variation here - which means more chances to get hit: some villagers have spears they'll try and thrust at you, while the small blue-robed ones with butcher knives will try and grab you to stab repeatedly.

It's worth noting that a great way to start these battles is either using the Bloodsmoke Ninjutusu to create a cloud to cleave a path through them before they know what's going on, or the Bestowal Ninjutsu to give your blade a huge range to cut through most of them in one hit and finish off the others with a second slice - though you'll have to chase down the reinforcements that burrow up near the trees.

Be sure to check along the lake's edge for a Mibu Balloon of Soul (at least we know where these things are coming from now), and then look for a larger building behind rows of red wooden barriers. Grapple up a tree next to it, and explore the roof to find a way to drop in. There's a man hiding in a basket in here - apparently he's the only one who hasn't gone completely crazy from drinking the water (too much alcohol might do it).

You can ask Basket Wearer Shosuke about the village and its inhabitants to learn that everyone seems to have gone crazy recently after the Head Priest made everyone start drinking the water of the ponds and rivers - and they also really don't like fire. He also mentions a village outcast and hunter across the lake named Inuhiko locked himself up in his house with a pine resin to burn, and that the Head Priest of Mibu Village lives up in a shrine at the end of the town further up.

Note - if you return to the house later, you'll find that Shosuke couldn't resist drinking more of the water, and has gone crazy. As sad as it is, it's best to put him out of his misery, as there's a chance you'll gain Rot Essence from him while he's alive - even if he isn't all there.

Grappling up and out of the building, you can find a couple of Mibu Villagers along the main road near a Pacifying Agent in the bushes, and more Mibu Villagers on the other side by the lake's edge, alongside a boat holding a Mibu Balloon of Wealth.


Before exploring the other side of the pond, be sure to grapple up to the second building where a Giant Chicken stands watch on the roof, and drop down to get a Fistful of Ash. Further up you can see what looks like a large graveyard area and a giant cherry blossom tree with its petals all over the place - leave it for now.

Swim across the pond and kill any man-eating fish that get in your way until you reach the far docks to grab a Pellet in a boat. Next, grapple up the broken steps to find several trashed huts and a few Mibu Villagers - then head down the sloping path to find Contact Medicine by a burned home.

At the end of the path you'll find a Fistful of Ash and the outcast's home - and climbing up to the roof you can find an Adamantite Scrap - and further back is the Pine Resin Ember - which can be used as upgrade material to make Okinaga's Flame Vent: a Flame Vent modification to unleash a continuous stream of fire - great for scaring away the locals! Even if your blast doesn't hit a whole group - just the sight of the flames will send them cowering - including the Taro Troop Brutes!

Speaking of locals - an entire army just burrowed out of the ground behind you, blocking your exit, and among them are two Taro Troop Bell-wielders that can deal massive damage in this thick melee.

Thankfully - you do have an alternate route out - look up to the left to spy a branch you can jump and grapple to that leads to a long path up and over this area - and jump over to a platform with a Mibu Balloon of Soul before you jump back down to the pond and cross back over.

Back at the buildings before the graveyard - look for a tree branch nearby to grapple to and get a good scope of the area. There are several Mibu Villagers here - and off to the left is a high road leading to some farming fields. You should also note the curious pattern of clusters of pink leaves along the ground. If you step near any of these clusters - Mibu Villagers will rise out of the ground and lunge to grab and hold you in place while other villagers attack you.

Since this is less than ideal, be sure to enter the graveyard area to get everyone's attention, and then backpedal towards the entrance to this area to fight them as they come to you - rather than trying to dance around all the grabbing villagers rising up.


This is also made worse by another Taro Troop Bell-wielder dashing in from the far side, so be sure to lure him away then daze him with fire before unleashing attacks, and then stepping back to avoid his slams until he wears himself out. Be sure to also use your Flame Vent often to disrupt attackers and keep them paralyzed in fear.

Once the main groups of respawning Mibu Villagers are gone, then you can sprint through the traps to dodge the grabs and double back to slash them until the area is clear. Once the danger has been dealt with, look in the middle of the graveyard to get Black Gunpowder, and then check the giant tree surrounded by petals (and grabbers) to get a Mibu Balloon of Soul and a Gourd Seed!

Follow the dry stream bed past the large tree, and you'll find a Pellet along the little moat as it leads under the fields above. Look up around here to find a platform ledge you can grapple up to, putting you behind the fields. This is important for a few reasons: The fields are being worked on by a few ranged Mibu Villagers and two Taro Troop brutes with mallets - and one of them waits along the edge by the trees that you can backstab here.

You can also jump up the ledges to the highest platform to find Adamantite Scrap, and path going to the very back where a small shrine is holding Ashina Sake. Since all the other enemies here are looking the other way, you can start backstabbing a few - but be wary when you get around the place where Contact Medicine can be found.

As you reach the Taro Troop Brute working the fields, several Nightjar Ninja phantoms will appear around the fields to ambush you - which is why taking this place from the back is so important. Engaging them all at once is deadly for sure - but you may also be able to sprint back up before the fully materialize to get behind them and backstab the lot of them. If they spot you, you can also try running back through the village to lose a few of them, and then pick them off one by one or sneak around behind them again.

For added fun, try using the Puppeteer Ninjutsu on the Taro Troop Brute right as the Nightjar appear, and let him go wild on the competition!

Water Mill


Video Guide: Water Mill and O'Rin of the Water

Once this lot is cleared, continue along the main path past the graveyard to another string of red wooden blockades, and skirt them to find a Mibu Balloon of Soul at a small shrine.

Watch out as you reach the house up on the hill - there are a few grabby Mibu Villagers you need to avoid, and then you can plunder the house to find Divine Confetti and Yellow Gunpowder. You can also climb up to the roof of the house and look on the other side to find several red banners with a platform on top you can use to reach a Pellet.

Now you can cross the bridge next to a mill to find the Water Mill Sculptor's Idol.

Rest up, and you'll notice that Jinzaemon has appeared up the road - and seems to be on death's door - but at least he's found the source of the haunting melody from the shamisen player that's right up the road.

Mini-Boss - O'Rin of the Water


As you reach the clearing ahead, a woman softly players the shamisen by a grave, and her face is covered. Speaking to her, she'll start crying about her missing Lord Sakuza who won't answer her letters. Whatever your response, she'll get mad and immediately go to attack you. Even if you just try and run past her, she'll get mad at you for ignoring her and become hostile.

O'Rin likes to dance around like a spiraling flower petal in the wind - all before darting in and attacking with incredible speed. She'll often leap slowly into the air, and then rapidly twirl towards you and alternate strikes from each side in her spins.

Depending on her range, she may float up close for a quick hit, followed by a fast three-hit combo, before pausing and delivering a final cut. If you see her start rapidly twirling up to you from the side, be ready for three alternating hits on each side before ending in a low unblockable sweep - which she can also perform after a single jumping hit. Sometimes she may come in on the left for four alternating hits on each side of you, ending in a unblockable low sweep - but there's a rare chance she may go to grab you instead, especially if she breaks your posture - and it will do massive damage. Watch for her glinting blade to see if its a sweep - if not, move away!

It can be hard to get a bead on her - especially as she disappears when jumping back to retreat or strafing left or right. When she becomes more ghost-like, your attacks can't even hit her, making it unwise to pursue her. She'll just phase through your attacks as she back-steps and materialize to punish you. However, because she is an apparition - you can use Divine Confetti to deal additional damage to her. It's not a massive boost, but it is a sizeable increase if you have some to spare.

She does have fairly low posture, and it won't regenerate all that fast even at high health. Let her come to you can deflect his strings of attacks, all while punishing her sweeps and swings back after her hits land and before she can jump away. She may be able to deflect a lot of your attacks, but you can still do some posture damage, and hold block as she floats away to recover your own. Once you learn her combos - it comes down to a waiting game of letting her come to you until her posture breaks, when you can seal the deal.

Defeating her will earn you a Prayer Bead and a skill Breath of Life: Shadow - which will further increase the amount of health you gain back per Deathblow on top of the Breath of Life: Light skill. If you let Jinzaemon get this far, she'll call out to him, and you can hurry back just in time to have him thank you for uniting the two, as he gives you Jinza's Jizo Statue and breathes his last.


As you head up the path past where O'Rin stopped you, you'll find a small narrow bridge way above the stream below. Off to the right you can find a Lump of Fat Wax. As you try to cross, a ghostly Ashina Elite Samurai will appear on the other side to lock you into a narrow 1v1 match. Take the match slow, wait for his thrust or overhead strikes to parry and counter, and then follow up but don't get too greedy.

When the spirit fades, look down into the river below, and you can spot a chest hiding in the waterfall. Jump down into the water and check it out to find Divine Grass, then look for grapple points to get back onto the bridge.

Up the bending path, you can spot the Head Priest's house, where several Mibu Villagers have gathered in front, including a Taro Troop Bell Brute. Take him out first or Puppeteer him and let him go crazy on the rest, then eavesdrop on the door to hear what the priest is up to.

You can't enter through the front door, nor can you find a way to get around back - so instead look for a crawlspace under the porch to sneak under. Move all the way to the left until you reach a dead end, and you'll find a Shinobi Shortcut Secret Door panel to revolve into the house. Inside, the Head Priest is drinking himself to death trying to become a "citizen of the palace" to apparently no avail. Search the building here and you'll find Divine Confetti on an altar, and a Red Lump in the corner behind some urns.

Head out through the broken wall and cross the river to hop onto the roof of a nearby hut where you'll find a Light Coin Purse. Be sure to also check around the back of the shrine for Adamantite Scrap, and finally look up at the roof to grapple up and find an altar in the attic with Spirit Emblems and a Prayer Bead for the taking, and a Heavy Coin Purse out on the roof.

Boss Battle - Corrupted Monk


Video Guide: Corrupted Monk Boss Battle

As you head up the path past the Head Priest's house, you'll come to a large clearing with a stone entrance to what looks like a large cave. But before you can get close, the ghostly visage of the Corrupted Monk will appear.

This enemy is big, and wields an even longer naginata weapon that can be used to swing and thrust many many times. Similar to O'Rin and the other apparitions, Divine Confetti can help you do a lot more damage here - and possible even lower her health long before her posture.

Otherwise, if you lack the Divine Confetti or you don't want to start farming it from the Ashina Elite samurai in the Ashina Castle Upper Tower, you'll want to use Gokan's Sugar and turn this into a battle of posture.

The Corrupted Monk doesn't always block (though it can be hard to tell when she is) but likes to use many sweeping combo attacks that you'll have to get a rhythm down for deflecting each hit. In particular, watch for a sweeping 5-hit combo attack that constantly comes in circles, or a four hit alternating swing that will end with either thrust to Mikiri Counter, or a low sweep to jump over.

If she points her long blade at you - she'll prepare for a long floaty jump towards you ending in a powerful slash you'll need to deflect that sends you flying back - but you can throw out a Shuriken while she's in the air to get some extra damage.


If she goes for an angry upswing, be sure to watch closely for a quick unblockable sweep as he retreats backwards - this is a good time to heal up or re-apply Divine Confetti/Gokan's Sugar as needed. Since all of her strikes do a good amount of posture damage, you need to be holding block whenever she moves away to reset yourself - if you get staggered in the middle of her multi hit swings, you'll likely meet your end.

A lot of this fight comes down to managing your posture wisely, and learning the difference between her thrust and swings - based how she angles her weapon before attacking. If you get everything down, you stand to raise her posture fairly fast, and damaging her vitality using the Divine Confetti can make this even easier when she gets to around half her health.

Thankfully, the Corrupted Monk only has one health bar, and there's no tricks for this fight - when she's gone, she's gone. You'll receive the Memory: Corrupted Monk, as well as the Mibu Breathing Technique Skill. Wait, what?

That's right - all those ponds and rivers you swam across, all those times you were attacked by fish below the surface - now you can dive down and hunt them all down, and find new treasure in the process!

Before we do that, commune with the Wedding Cave Door Sculptor's Idol, and head inside the ominous cave to find a creepy ritual altar and a wedding palanquin, below a giant hole in the cave's top where water falls alongside a giant straw hand of some sort.

Check the altar for the Shelter Stone - the fragrant item that's another piece of the Fountainhead Aroma's incense you seek. Be sure to also check the inscription on the altar:


"Shelter stones such as this are an auspicious omen, sweetly scented for a bridal offering. The palanquin awaits with open arms."

Going into the palanquin does nothing right now, so it's time to head back to Lord Kuro… except, all of the Sculptor's Idols in Ashina Castle have been deactivated somehow. Something is wrong, and to find out what we'll need to make our way back to the castle - but first, a bit of cleanup.

Ashina Depths Cleanup - The Red-Eyed Carp

Video Guide: Ashina Depths Mini-Bosses and Underwater Treasure

Now that you can swim underwater, return to the top of the river and dive under. Here you'll find three Man-eating Fish guarding an item at the top of the falls - Precious Bait. What it does, we don't know just yet.

Hop down the first falls and swim under the bridge towards the Water Mill where you'll find your first Treasure Carp to get a Treasure Carp Scale. Next, swim down into the main pond at Mibu Village, and under the surface you'll spot a creepy red-eyed Treasure Carp backed by three Man-Eating Fish. Slay them all, and you'll get the Red Carp Eyes. If you were a jerk to either Jinzaemon or Kotaro and sent them to the abandoned dungeon, the surgeon Dosaku will have asked for this for the next stage of his experiments.

Before leaving, be sure to also check the bottom of the pond and its eerie bodies to find two Light Coin Purses, and then look under the far docks to find a treasure chest you can open at the bottom of the pond to get a Prayer Bead.


Mini-Boss Shichimen Warrior

If you run back to the Dilapidated Temple, you may find that Fujioka the Info Broker has a new bit of info for you. Paying 500 Sen for his latest note - the Valley Apparitions Memo, you'll find that spirits have been sighted where the Guardian Ape's Den is. In fact, you'll find that you can't travel back to this Sculptor's Idol.

That's because the Shichimen Warrior has taken up residence here. Like the one from the Abandoned Dungeon, he is summoning lots of Soul Orbs in this arena - and you'll need to avoid getting hit by them if you don't want to take terror damage.

Make sure that you have Pacifying Agents or the Mottled Purple Gourd on you, as well as some Divine Confetti that can be farmed from the Ashina Elite samurai at the castle. You're also going to want to make sure you buy the Phoenix's Lilac Umbrella Prosthetic upgrade from the Sculptor - this is the only way to shield up and negate all incoming damage and terror buildup from this guy.

Dropping into the arena, pop a Divine Confetti and wail on him until he plants his staff on the ground to summon a host of Soul Orbs. If you're quick, you may be able to stagger him before he can do this - otherwise back away from the unholy ground and pop your shield to deflect the incoming orbs.

Note that if you have the Projected Force skill unlocked, you can send out an attack back at him after soaking some blows - but this will also use up your Divine Confetti - so be sure to unshield first before attacking if you want to keep the buff active.

Unlike the Shichimen Player, the Warrior will mix up moves more often, dancing through the air and creating more Soul Orbs, or crafting big homing ones to fly at you - but you can block all of these with the Lilac Umbrella. However, in addition to his surprisingly damaging slow staff swings, he may suddenly parry your attack and disappear. If this happens, start running to the other end of the cave - he should appear soon, and will start launching repeated bursts of his soul beam attack that's hard to dodge and deals a ton of terror damage normally.


When you see him appear, pop your shield and shuffle towards him like a turtle and he'll do no damage at all. Once you get close, wait for him to start up his next charge, and dodge behind him to dish out damage while he blasts the wrong direction.

Remember that when you take away one of his lives, he'll disappear again to do this - and hey may do this several times when blocking your attacks. As long as you keep the Divine Confetti buff active and shield up when you see incoming threats, he should prove a much easier fight comparatively.

Defeating him will earn your the Malcontent's Ring - which can be modified into your Finger Whistle as an upgrade that can stun other apparitions - like the Headless, which is a great way to make a painful fight much easier.

Mini-Boss - Headless

Now it's time to return to the Hidden Forest, and see to that Headless Mini-boss. For this fight it is essential that in addition to Pacifying Agent or the Mottled Purple Gourd, and Divine Confetti, you're also going to need a specific Prosthetic Tool upgrade. If you haven't already, return to the Sculptor and get the Phoenix's Lilac Umbrella - as this defensive shield is the only thing that can block the attacks of apparitions that will deal terror damage.

With this in hand, you can now go toe to toe with the Headless in the Hidden Forest. The headless will slow your movements so dodging is not possible, and likes to attack with large slow sweeping strikes - if they aren't deflected perfectly by your blade, you'll still take lots of terror damage, which is why the upgraded umbrella is so important for negating these strikes.


With the umbrella active, the only damage you'll take is minimal posture damage - so wait out his strikes and retaliate with your own, and watch out for when he disappears to re-appear behind you and try to grab - jog out of his reach and wait for the fight to resume. His only real attacks are a couple of swift overhead strikes, and his long limbo-like sweeping swing that goes around in a circle - and usually ends with him disappearing.

Note that if you have the Projected Force Skill, you can send out waves of energy at the Headless using your Umbrella - but this also seems to eat up any Divine Confetti you have active - if you want to conserve, make sure you're totally out of the shield before attacking so you don't use it up. That said it does do a fair bit of damage - so long as you make sure to get ready to deflect again when he retaliates. If you run out of Spirit Emblems, you can use the Ceremonial Tanto from the Shichimen Player to gain a few more emblems - just make sure you're out of range of the Headless to heal the health you need to lose to gain these emblems.

Defeating this Headless won't earn your a Prayer Bead, but it will give you Gachiin's Spiritfall - a unique item that essentially lets you apply the effects of Gachiin's Sugar as much as you want, for the price of 4 Spirit Emblems. You can also look around the Headless' lair to find a Lump of Fat Wax, Scrap Magnetite, and look for a branch above to jump to a higher platform at the end of the ravine to locate Yashariku's Sugar.

Now that we've cleaned up the rest of the Ashina Depths, it's time to find out what's going on back at the castle. Note that after battling the Corrupted Monk and finding the stone, dusk has fallen across the land as the sun begins to set - and more has changed than just the time of day. Return to Ashina Castle's Abandoned Dungeon Entrance to find out more.

Now that you have the ability to breathe underwater - there's a few more places worth checking out. Head back to Hirata Estate and enter the river bend by the Bamboo Thicket Slope to find a Treasure Carp under the water, and you can also find two more under the water by Pot Noble Harunaga. At the Senpou Temple Grounds, dive into the pool below the Sculptor's Idol to find a pit with a Prayer Bead by a giant statue, and also the Holy Chapter: Infested if you did not meet the High Priest in the Main Hall, which you can give to the Divine Child. Lastly, Dive into the pools below the Gun Fort Shrine in the Sunken Valley. There's a Treasure Carp in the waters closest to the shrine above, as well as two fish guarding a Gachiin's Sugar, and two more guarding Adamantite Scrap on the opposite side, as well as a Bulging Coin Purse in the middle of the pool. Check the opposite end of the pool towards Riven Cave to find another Treasure Carp, along with Yashariku's Sugar below the rock with the hole in it, and a Treasure Carp Scale by the Riven Cave entrance. Be sure to visit the Pot Noble to buy everything he offers! As for the other underwater places - we'll visit them soon.

Up Next: Ashina Castle (Dusk) Walkthrough

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