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Why Still Review My Case After I Get My Citizenship

  • POSTED: February 2, 2012
  • CATEGORY: Uncategorized
  • POSTED BY: LawrenceGruner

Q. I  have my U.Due south. Citizenship Interview scheduled next month. Can you tell me what to look? What volition USCIS be checking when I go to my naturalization interview?

A.  When yous employ to go a naturalized U.Southward. Citizen USCIS will thoroughly bank check your background and your application.  If things do non become well not only can your case be denied but, many people practise non realize this, yous can likewise lose your permanent residency (light-green card).  Therefore, yous need to make sure that you have prepared your case well. USCIS will exist request you well-nigh the following things:

ane. Your Application

After you have arrived at your interview y'all will likely be brought into a uncomplicated government office.  The officer volition accept a desk-bound, a computer, printer, and immigration books.  You will be told to remain standing and y'all volition be sworn in by the Immigration Officer.  The officer will ask you to show proper identification.

One time this is done  the immigration officer volition go through your naturalization application, with you.  He will be reviewing your application, in full, line by line.  Thus, make certain that your awarding is accurate before you file it with USCIS. You should also review your application before you file your case and you need to re-bank check it before you go to your interview to brand certain it is absolutely authentic.

If you have made a mistake on your awarding then make sure you bring information technology to the attention of the interviewer very early in the interview.  Information technology is much improve for you to volunteer any mistakes than to have the Immigration Officeholder find the mistakes in your application (every bit it tin appear that you are lying if yous are not forthcoming).

2. How You  Received Your Green Bill of fare

The interviewing officer will be looking at your clearing history in detail. He will want to know how you received your green card.

For Example: If you obtained your green carte du jour through wedlock USCIS volition ask you about your marriage.  Additionally, the Clearing Officer volition want to know if y'all are still married or were yous always separated or divorced from that

green card through marriage application form

spouse. If you are divorced or separated they volition ask you lot why and when you separated or divorced. USCIS wants to make sure that y'all were still together when you received your permanent green card.  If this is not the case then yous should contact the states and then that we can review your situation to make sure y'all will not have any problems (888-801-6558)

If y'all got your green card through your employer they will ask yous questions nearly your employment. Questions volition concern when y'all worked at that place and if you still work there. USCIS wants to make certain that y'all were working there when you received your green carte du jour.

If y'all received your green bill of fare based on Political Aviary then USCIS will want to ostend the information on your asylum application. You should review your asylum awarding, if possible, prior to filing for naturalization. You lot will exist asked if you were arrested earlier? Are you lot a member of any groups? USCIS will want to know  if you e'er went dorsum to your home state afterwards you were granted political aviary. Note: If you did go home you need to speak with an immigration attorney earlier filing for Naturalization.

three Your Knowledge of U.S. History and U.South. Government

You will be tested on your cognition of US History and class of government. After you use for U.s. Citizenship, USCIS volition schedule you for fingerprinting (biometrics). At your biometrics appointment USCIS volition requite you a handlout to study with the information on the U.s. History exam.   Here are the U.S. Citizenship test questions and answers if you want to get a head start on your studies.

You will be given a quiz on US History and US government during the interview.  This is washed orally. At that place will be upwards to ten questions.  These questions (come across below) are generally generated randomly past the computer.  In order to laissez passer the examination you will demand to answer six correctly (the exam and other rules surrounding your noesis of US history can change).

When you are asked a question it is OK to pause a moment before you answer.  Brand sure y'all understand the question earlier you answer.  If you do not understand the question it is fine to inquire the Immigration Officer to repeat the question. Retrieve you must answer at to the lowest degree six questions correctly or you will fail the test and not obtain your U.Southward. Citizenship.  We tin help you by giving you practiced advice or preparing the documents in your citizenship example if you would like 888-801-6558.

4. Your Travel

You should bring all of the passports that you have used since entering the Us to your interview. The Clearing officeholder volition go through your passport to brand certain you listed the right travel dates on your application. (Prior to filing the case you should  review your passport and other travel documents to brand sure you list your travel accurately). If you don't accept your sometime passports the officer may ask you lot to prove your physical presence in the United States through bills, taxes and other evidence.

There are 2 travel related problems that USCIS does expect at when you employ to become a U.S. Denizen: Continuous Residence and Physical Presence.

Continuous Residence

With Continuance Residence you lot must show that you maintained your residence within the Usa for the required time menses.  You must accept 5 years worth of continuous residence immediately preceding the appointment you file your N-400.  The 5 twelvemonth requirement is reduced to 3 years if you lot received your greenish card based on marriage to a The states Citizen and in some situations this requirement can be waived completely.

If you have a trip that is less than 180 days in length you will not disrupt this requirement.  However if you have had a trip for 180 days or longer you should speak to an immigration attorney prior to filing your case.  As well, if you had multiple trips, with just a short return to the U.Due south. in between, you should speak to an clearing attorney.

Physical Presence

Yous must take been physically present in the United States in order to obtain your U.S. Citizenship.  If you are filing based on the 5 twelvemonth waiting requirement then you lot must have been physically present for thirty months over the v yr period immediately preceding the filing of your N-400.  If you are filing based on the 3 yr waiting requirement then you must have been physically nowadays for eighteen months immediately preceding the filing of your North-400.  This requirement can be waived for sure applicants.

Concrete presence is cumulative.  You would add each and every twenty-four hours you were outside the United States to come up with your full time exterior of the U.S.  USCIS does not similar it when it appears that you are not treating the United states of america as where you live (i.e. it appears that you are really living away)

five. Your Ability to Speak English

There is an English language language requirement when yous apply for naturalization.  An applicant must also be able to read and write a simple sentence in English. (A sample sentence might be something similar:  I like to potable java or I desire to go to the store today.)Y'all too have to exist able to demonstrate the power to speak English throughout the interview. The interviewer will exist taking find of how you speak and whether or not you sympathise his or her questions.

You may be exempt from the English language requirement based on your age and how long you take had your dark-green card. If this is your case so you lot volition demand to bring an interpreter with you to your interview. You lot should review your specific state of affairs with an experienced Immigration Attorney.

Here are the situations, listed on the USCIS website, when you may exist exempt from the English language requirement:

"You lot Are Exempt From The English Language Requirement, Just Are Still Required To Take The Civics Test If You lot Are:

  • Age 50 or older at the time of filing for naturalization and have lived as a permanent resident (green card holder) in the United States for 20 years   (commonly referred to every bit the "50/20" exception).
  • Age 55 or older at the time of filing for naturalization and have lived every bit a permanent resident in the U.s.a. for xv years (commonly referred to as the "55/15" exception).


  • Even if you lot qualify for the "50/twenty" or "55/15" English language exceptions listed higher up, you must nevertheless take the civics test.

  • You will be permitted to accept the civics test in your native language.

  • If you take the test in your native linguistic communication, you must bring an interpreter with you to your interview.

  • Your interpreter must be fluent in both English and your native language.

  • If you are age 65 or older and have been a permanent resident for at least xx years at the time of filing for naturalization, you will be given special consideration regarding the civics requirement."

6. Your Family unit Situation

If you have small-scale children and y'all don't live with them you volition demand  to show that you financially support them . You can evidence this by providing the following evidence: a notarized affirmation from your ex-spouse stating that you do in fact provide back up for these pocket-size children; past providing copies of cancelled checks showing support; or by providing other proof  showing coin transfers in support of the children. If there is a court order of support concerning your pocket-size children then you will need to prove that you lot are complying with the court social club and paying the amount ordered by the Court.

Please annotation that if you owe back child support yous may not be able to naturalize. Consult with an attorney if that is your state of affairs. 888-801-6558

If you were married, divorced, or take children so y'all must bring documents to your interview which establish these relationships (marriage certificates, birth certificates and divorce decrees).

7. Your Membership in Various Groups or Organizations

At your naturalization interview yous will be asked about, religious organizations, work organizations and political groups in which y'all are a current member in which y'all take ever been a fellow member of in the by. Exist careful in this surface area.  This is an surface area where individuals tin can come across serious bug.  If you recall USCIS might have a problem with the organizations you lot belonged to in the past it is probable that this is true.  If this is your case, before you file for naturalization, review your case with an experienced immigration attorney.

8. Your Criminal Records

You will accept to provide the certified final disposition of your record from any criminal court if you accept been arrested in the past. If you are currently on probation y'all will not be able to naturalize. If you take been on probation or were arrested during the last five years your application may be denied.

If you have always been arrested then you demand to speak with an immigration attorney prior to applying for naturalization. Some arrests can lead to removal (formally called deportation) and or a loss of your permanent residence (green card).  Many times USCIS only learns almost a criminal conviction simply when you renew your green card or apply for naturalization.  Thus, exist very conscientious about applying for naturalization if yous have a criminal thing (especially if you had the criminal matter afterward you received your green menu).

nine. Your Conventionalities in the U.S. Constitution

You volition too be asked if you believe in the U.Due south. Constitution. Y'all will also exist asked if you are willing to take an oath to the United States and if y'all are willing to fight, if necessary, for the Usa. If you don't have a commitment to our system of authorities and are not willing to defend our state you lot may not be able to naturalize. Every bit part of your commitment to the United states of america any male who lived in the U.s.a. between the ages of eighteen-26 must have registered for selective service.

If yous did not register for selective service y'all may need to obtain a waiver or you may demand to await to file your naturalization instance.  If this is your situation review your matter with an immigration attorney prior to filing your case.

10. Your Documents

Y'all need to bring your dark-green card, passport (fifty-fifty if it has expired) any re-entry permits y'all may accept, and your local state identification (due east.g. a drivers license) with yous to your interview.

In improver,  USCIS may also ask you to bring other documents with you to your naturalization interview. These documents will be listed in your appointment alphabetic character. Carefully read your date letter of the alphabet completely before you become to your interview. If you do not bring the documents listed above then you risk having your case delayed or denied.  Do not have this risk.  Make sure you bring all of the documents to your interview.

In summary be very cautious when you lot are applying for U.Southward. Citizenship. It is strongly recommended that you consult with an experienced Immigration Attorney prior to filing your application.  Delight do not rely on advice from friends, conversation rooms online, paralegals, immigration consultants or notarios concerning your U.S. Citizenship instance.  The stakes are too high.

Finally, information technology has become more hard to enter the federal buildings where these interviews are held.  You lot should program on arriving earlier than yous would expect (it may accept 45 minutes or longer to enter the building) and y'all may be barred from bringing your cell phone into the building with you.  Therefore, if y'all do not know the do at the federal edifice where your interview is being held you may wish to keep your cell telephone at abode or hidden in your automobile.

If  you would like to review your situation, gratis of charge, please contact our office at 916-760-7270 or888-801-6558 or email us at   We volition evaluate your situation and determine if you are eligible to file to get a U.Southward. Citizen.  We tin aid you from consulting with you, preparing your documents, advising y'all on your case to treatment your case from start to finish.

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Lawrence Gruner is a Sacramento Immigration Lawyer  and is a fiance visa attorney with nigh twenty years of feel. His function handles cases throughout California, the Usa and the World. His role handles fiance visa cases, marriage greenish card cases and U.S. Citizenship cases. You may reach our role at 916-760-7270 or toll gratuitous at 888-801-6558 . Attorney Gruner would be happy to review your situation and your options.

This mail is nether Citizenship and Naturalization Attorneys Sacramento. The data provided on this site is not legal communication but general information only. Laws do change and additional laws may apply in your instance. Every example is different. Please contact our office or the office of another immigration attorney to review your matter prior to filing any documentation with USCIS.


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